Monday, August 16, 2010

Reusable Trash Liner

Perhaps you did or didn't know...I cloth diaper, and I LOVE it. I "converted" about 3 months ago, and have appreciated no longer needing to buy box after box of diapers that end up in landfills!

Anyhow, a friend introduced me to Planetwise wet/dry bags, which are essentially water-tight bags that you can store dirty diapers in until you wash them. I love them (I have a small one for the diaper bag, and one large one for big trips, etc), but they don't really cut it for everyday storage (they start to stink). So, I saw an online suggestion to make a reusable trash can liner, and since I happened to have a Dollar Store plastic shower curtain lying around, I got to work with the simple cutting/sewing project. The result? A fantastic, water-tight trash liner that I can throw in the washer with the diapers (and airdry)...and now there is no stink in-between washes! I'm going to have to make more trash liners for the house!

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Sunday, August 15, 2010


My sister introduced me to a TV Program starring Zonya, somewhat of a a lifestyle/eating coach. On her show she cooks up easy and healthy meals, and after watching one show with my sister (the only time I've watched it...I'll be honest), I got online and picked out some of her recipes to try. Almost a year later...I have finally gotten around to cooking up her Ratatouille recipe for the first time!

It was fantastic, and loved by everyone, except my hubby (he's the pickiest eater of the takes a lot to impress)! We served it over noodles, even though that's not the proper way to eat it...and it was delicious! Soooo simple, and packed full of veggies! Have you ever made Ratatouille before? If not...try it!

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Curried Cashew Couscous

I have to admit that I've had a bag of couscous hanging around for about a year...and I haven't figured out what to do with it, until now. I picked it up in the bulk section of the grocery store in Whitehorse, Yukon (because Canadians are healthy like that, eh?)...but I put it in a recipe for the first time this week.

I pulled out a recipe I found online, originally from the "Vegan Express" cookbook. The Curried Cashew Couscous was delicious, in my opinion...I had it for yesterday's lunch, dinner, and even breakfast this morning. My dad also ate it up! He supposedly hates curry...but he's never turned away from any of the dishes I make with curry (which is quite a few). Mom didn't feel like eating...but had one bite and said she liked it. Jared took a 1/4 cup of it (you could tell he had great faith that he would like it), and then told me he wasn't a big fan. Oh can't win them all!
If you dare to try this recipe (I really did love it!), then I would recommend Craisins instead of raisins (I have no use for raisins in my life...ugh) was the key ingredient, and gave the dish JUST the right amount of sweetness!
Couscous was a completely new venture for me--I would compare it to a rice texture, but smaller...similar in flavor to white rice (but healthier)...and it cooked a LOT faster. I might have to try it as a replacement for rice, some time!
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Love this Baby...

How is that something so little, and so helpless...

...Can bring so much joy?
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 6 - 20 of My Favorite Things

A good book
The ocean
My husband
Happy babies
Working for myself
Learning something new-and letting it change my ways
Good movies
Outdoor Living
Alaskan Beauty
My Giggling Kids
Cooking a recipe everyone loves
Meeting people who appreciate others' cultures
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Positive People

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 5 - My Favorite Quote

Anyone that has known me for awhile knows that I LOVE quotes. In fact, in high school, I used to pour over quote books during my lunch breaks. My favorite quote of all time is oftentimes wrongly attributed to Nelson Mandela, and I remember always reading it on the desk of the BYU Key Office when I ran there for my job in college (yes, they have an office JUST for picking up keys of any sort...offices, mail boxes, lockers, etc). It is actually by Marianne Williamson, from her book entitled A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles (never read it-but maybe I'll have to).

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Southwest Quinoa Salad

Lately, I like to go "shopping" for recipes at
It is an awesome website that lets users submit recipes (with gorgeous photos)...and I can basically just look through all of the photos for an idea of what to make for dinner! Take a'll be drooling, too!

I found this recipe, and made it yesterday. It is supposedly a "salad"...but I personally thing most dishes like this deserve to be a dip, too. So, out came the tortilla chips...yummy!! It uses avocados, fresh lime juice, and quinoa, which is literally one of the healthiest foods on the planet (and a staple in many South American countries). It's a shame I only discovered quinoa last summer...and that most people have still never heard of it, or tried it. I would compare it to rice (cooks the same way), but it is lighter, fluffier, and has a light crunch when you eat it. I often mix it with rice in my rice cooker, because I love its high fiber and iron content! You can find it in the health food section of stores, and it looks like a little tiny seed (which it is).

Get the recipe here!

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Loving big sis'...

I can't tear this girl away from Ethan...

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Vegan Cheesy Potato Casserole

Cheesy and Vegan...seems a bit like an oxymoron...
but let me tell was DELICOUS!!

This recipe was developed by my old co-worker from college, who conveniently ended up vegan, as well (and is a fantastic cook)!
Here is her healthy version of "Mormon Funeral Potatoes"

I didn't pre-cook the cheese sauce separately (in a pan) before adding it to the potatoes, and it was still perfect.
Mom and Dad loved it as well...which is saying a lot! Overall...another big hit that had everyone going back for 2nd's and 3rd's!!

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July 24th Celebrations

For those who don't know...Utah celebrates "Pioneer Day" on July 24th, to commemorate the arrival of the Pioneers in Utah. Mapleton has a big parade and plenty of festivities to celebrate the big day!

Ella and Maiya were both in the parade. Ella decorated her bike:

Maiya sat on the float (in blue above "Days")

Maiya feeling proud of her big accomplishment!

The park had lots of activities the girls could enjoy. Everything cost about 50 cents a pop...but Papa donated to the girls' fun they donned their swimsuits, and went on inflatables that included water! Here they are, patiently waiting in line!
Ella is a good big-sister, and is almost always willing to help take care of her little sister!

Later that evening the city did a first-ever "Ping Pong Ball Drop" from a helicopter. The fliers stated that they would drop "up to 800" ping pong balls from a helicopter, and 12 lucky kids (ages 14 and under) would win a free bike! What fun!

We arrived at the field to a HUGE turnout. They asked parents to separate from their children, which did not go over well (seriously--you want me to leave my children alone in a field of 2,000 kids, and other adults?).
They also requested that each child only catch 1 ball each, so that everyone could get a ball. Then came the exciting moment when the helicopter flew over!
A passenger in the helicopter dumped out 1 trash bag of ping pong balls into the center of the crowd (perhaps 200-300 balls?).. A lucky few got a ping pong ball...while the rest anxiously awaited the helicopter's return to drop more balls. And then we waited...and waited...and waited.
Alas, no return. One lousy bag of ping pong balls, and about 2,000 disappointed kids and parents.
I guess they underestimated the turnout? If they figure it out, however, it could be a VERY cool event next year!
We ended the night with the FANTASTIC Mapleton fireworks show that we were able to watch from the front porch at home. It was "finale...finale...and then a grand finale!" A great fireworks show!